Careers at
Charlie Health

Illustration of Charlie Health clinician

Our teams

Charlie Health has a robust, passionate, and diverse group of team members. Explore all of our open positions, or filter by department.

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Have the greatest clinical impact on the populations most in need.

Clinical Outreach

More than a job – a chance to directly connect your community to life-saving care.

Behavioral Health Operations

Directly connect clients in need to the life-saving care they deserve.

Corporate & Strategy Careers

Positions critical for driving impact and growth across the company.

Engineering, Product, Data, and Design

Tech-focused roles building solutions with a track record of saving lives.

Hear from the team

“The Charlie Health team truly captivated me because you had people that were incredibly intelligent and passionate about what they were doing.”

Nick Gerlach

Growth Strategy Associate

“As an engineer, I feel like I’m just one step away from giving someone hope.”

Madina Zabran

Engineering Manager

“Charlie Health takes care of the clinicians. They want to see you succeed.”

Raven Beal

Group Facilitator

“Everybdy is here for a reason, and it’s to be a connector in our communities.”

Jen Krebs

Clinical Outreach Manager

“I just wake up appreciative of the people that I work with and the mission that we have.”

Brys Harris

Admissions Coordinator

Charlie Health shield logo

Let’s build the solution to the youth mental health crisis together

We’re on a mission to reduce youth suicide rates.

Our values


Care deeply

We care personally about every single person in the Charlie Health ecosystem: our clients, providers, and team members alike.

Inspire hope

We inspire hope with every interaction, reminding our clients that we truly and unconditionally believe in them.


Stay curious

We ask “why” five times before we’re satisfied with the answer. We don’t stick to the status quo; we challenge our assumptions and remain humble.

Heed the evidence

Above all, we’re results-oriented. When we find data that calls our original plan into question, we modify or pivot.


Act with urgency

We work as swiftly as possible. The mental health crisis is relentless, and so are we.

Don’t give up

Our clients don’t give up and neither do we. Persistence is our superpower.