Alumni Experience at Charlie Health

Girl friends high fiving

Our Alumni services and programs are designed to help you continue cultivating your newfound connections.

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Illustration of Charlie Health client
Illustration of Charlie Health client
Illustration of Charlie Health client
Illustration of Charlie Health client
Illustration of Charlie Health client

Whether you have graduated Charlie Health or your last day is near, we are so excited to have you join us as a Charlie Health Alumnus! Taking care of yourself and prioritizing your wellbeing is important – even once you’ve completed our IOP. Charlie Health Alumni offerings give you the chance to continue to prioritize you – free of charge.

We have options ranging from non-clinical process groups, art groups, journaling, and meditation as we continue to grow our offerings. We also offer events like gaming nights, book clubs, yoga, bingo and more. You are welcome to pop into any of our offerings as often as you like, for as long or as little as you like: five minutes, once a month, or every now and then. Young Adult offerings are available for Alumni over 18 years old. Adolescent and Teen offerings are available for Alumni ages 11-17, unless otherwise indicated. Scroll down for more information!

Attendees should plan to arrive to offerings within the first 20 minutes. Arriving after 20 minutes will not guarantee your entrance to the group. Alumni groups and services are non-clinical and do not reflect the views of Charlie Health.

Click here to review Charlie Health Alumni’s Community Standards.

Meet Our Alumni Staff

Step into the network of our accomplished alumni staff. Click the link to explore their stories, connect with them, and access their contact information. Start building meaningful connections today!

In their words

Alumni member testimonials

“The alumni groups have been amazing.”

The alumni group have been amazing! Very open to ideas and suggestions and the group facilitators are open to being accommodating and open to suggestions even at the last minute! I have felt safe and comfortable since joining, and I will admit it was a little anxious because it was a change and didn’t know anyone but it’s been amazing and a very welcoming experience!

The alumni group have been amazing! Very open to ideas and suggestions and the group facilitators are open to being accommodating and open to suggestions even at the last minute! I have felt safe and comfortable since joining, and I will admit it was a little anxious because it was a change and didn’t know anyone but it’s been amazing and a very welcoming experience!

— Theresa R.

“I have already made amazing friends.”

I was in the Charlie Health IOP program in 2022. I spent the past year in recovery and have recently reconnected with CH through the Alumni resources. I have already made amazing friends and gotten so much support from both the program and my peers. There are so many options and Charlie Health is always open to feedback and growing their outreach and impact. I recommend that all Charlie Health graduates check out the Alumni Program for community, connection and care.

I was in the Charlie Health IOP program in 2022. I spent the past year in recovery and have recently reconnected with CH through the Alumni resources. I have already made amazing friends and gotten so much support from both the program and my peers. There are so many options and Charlie Health is always open to feedback and growing their outreach and impact. I recommend that all Charlie Health graduates check out the Alumni Program for community, connection and care.

—Emro B.

“You never know what you can learn or who you will meet.”

Eva and Megan have added a variety of processing groups for different communities, workshops to learn/hone skills, DND, and other fun activities. I am active in a lot of the different activities myself (when I can remember to go) and have made some great friends from this program. You never know what you can learn or who you will meet. The program helps me to be accountable to prioritize my mental health when I’m doing process groups or journaling workshops. I’m extremely grateful to be able to do that at no cost.

Eva and Megan have added a variety of processing groups for different communities, workshops to learn/hone skills, DND, and other fun activities. I am active in a lot of the different activities myself (when I can remember to go) and have made some great friends from this program. You never know what you can learn or who you will meet. The program helps me to be accountable to prioritize my mental health when I’m doing process groups or journaling workshops. I’m extremely grateful to be able to do that at no cost.

—Cherie T.

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