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Alexithymia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

10 min.

It's normal to sometimes struggle to articulate how you're feeling, but did you know there's a clinical term for when it begins to interfere with your mental health or relationships? Learn more about alexithymia in this blog.

By: Charlie Health Editorial Team

Clinically Reviewed By: Don Gasparini Ph.D., M.A., CASAC

May 6, 2023


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Table of Contents

What is alexithymia?

Alexithymia is a psychological construct characterized by difficulties in identifying, describing, and understanding one’s own emotions. It is often described as a deficit in emotional awareness or emotional literacy. People with alexithymia may have difficulty distinguishing between different emotional states, expressing their emotions, and recognizing emotional cues in others.

The term “alexithymia” was coined by Peter Sifneos, a psychotherapist, in the 1970s. It derives from the Greek words “a-” (meaning “without”), “lexis” (meaning “words”), and “thymos” (meaning “emotions” or “feelings”). Essentially, it signifies  difficulty in finding words to describe one’s emotions.

What are the features of alexithymia?

The core features of alexithymia include:

Difficulty identifying emotion

Individuals with alexithymia may struggle to label and recognize their own emotional experiences. They may have a limited emotional vocabulary and find it challenging to identify specific emotions such as anger, sadness, or joy.

Difficulty describing emotions

People with alexithymia often have trouble articulating and describing their emotions to others. They may resort to using vague or generic terms when discussing their feelings.

Limited ability to imagine and fantasize 

Alexithymic individuals tend to have a reduced capacity for imagination and fantasy. They may have difficulty daydreaming or creating vivid mental images.

External-oriented thinking

Rather than focusing on their internal emotional experiences, individuals with alexithymia tend to focus on external events and concrete facts. They may be more comfortable discussing factual details rather than exploring their emotions.

Alexithymia is not classified as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, it is often associated with various psychiatric conditions such as autism spectrum disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety disorders, and certain medical conditions like somatic symptom disorder.

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What is the cause of alexithymia?

The exact cause of alexithymia is not fully understood. It is believed to arise from a combination of genetic, developmental, and environmental factors. Here are some potential contributors to the development of alexithymia:

Genetic factors

Research suggests that there may be a hereditary component to alexithymia. Studies involving twins have found evidence of genetic influences on alexithymic traits. Certain genetic variations or predispositions may influence the neurobiological mechanisms underlying emotional processing and contribute to the development of alexithymia.

Developmental factors

Early life experiences and socialization processes play a crucial role in the development of emotional awareness and expression. Difficulties in early attachment, emotional regulation, or exposure to adverse childhood experiences may impact the development of emotional skills and contribute to alexithymia.

Emotional upbringing

Growing up in an environment that lacks emotional expression or validation can influence the development of alexithymia. If a person is not taught to identify and express emotions, it can hinder their ability to recognize and articulate their own feelings.

Neurobiological factors

Brain abnormalities or differences in the structure, connectivity, or functioning of specific brain regions involved in emotional processing, such as the insula, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and prefrontal cortex, may contribute to alexithymia. However, more research is needed to fully understand the neurobiological mechanisms involved.

Co-occurring conditions

Alexithymia is often observed in conjunction with certain psychiatric conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety disorders. It is unclear whether alexithymia is a direct symptom of these conditions or if there are shared underlying factors contributing to their co-occurrence.

It is important to note that alexithymia is a complex construct, and the specific causes and mechanisms can vary among individuals. Additionally, the interaction between genetic predispositions and environmental factors likely contributes to the development of alexithymia. Further research is needed to deepen our understanding of the underlying causes of this condition.

Who is most likely to have alexithymia?

Alexithymia can occur in individuals across various demographic groups. However, certain factors have been associated with a higher likelihood of alexithymia:


Research suggests that alexithymia may be more prevalent in males compared to females. However, it is important to note that this gender difference is not consistent across all studies, and the reasons behind it are not fully understood.

Developmental disorders

Alexithymia is frequently observed in individuals with developmental disorders, particularly autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Estimates suggest that a significant proportion of individuals with ASD exhibit alexithymic traits. Other developmental disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), may also be associated with higher rates of alexithymia.

Mental health conditions

Alexithymia is commonly found in individuals with various psychiatric conditions. It is particularly prevalent in individuals with mood disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and eating disorders have also been associated with higher rates of alexithymia.

Medical conditions

Some medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and chronic pain conditions, have been linked to higher rates of alexithymia. Individuals with these conditions may have difficulties in identifying and expressing their emotional experiences.

It is important to note that while certain groups may have a higher likelihood of alexithymia, the condition can occur in individuals across any and all groups of people, without any specific demographic or clinical diagnosis . It is a multifaceted condition that can vary in severity and presentation among individuals.

What is alexithymia’s relationship to interoception?

“Interoception” refers to the ability to perceive and interpret bodily signals, such as heartbeat, respiration, hunger, and temperature regulation. It plays a crucial role in self-awareness, emotional regulation, and decision-making. Alexithymia and interoception are closely related concepts that both involve the processing of internal bodily sensations and emotional experiences.

The relationship between alexithymia and interoception is complex. Alexithymic individuals often exhibit impairments in interoceptive awareness. They may have difficulty accurately perceiving and interpreting bodily sensations associated with emotions. This can lead to a diminished ability to recognize and label emotions based on the internal physiological cues provided by the body.

Research has shown that individuals with alexithymia tend to have lower interoceptive accuracy, meaning they struggle to accurately sense and interpret their own internal bodily signals. They may have reduced awareness of changes in heart rate, breathing patterns, or other physiological responses that typically accompany emotional experiences. This reduced interoceptive awareness can contribute to the difficulties they face in identifying and describing their emotions.

However, it is important to note that not all individuals with alexithymia have interoceptive impairments, and not all individuals with interoceptive impairments have alexithymia. While there is an overlap between the two concepts, they are distinct constructs and can manifest independently in different individuals.

The relationship between alexithymia and interoception is an active area of research, and further studies are needed to fully understand the nature of their connection. Nonetheless, it is clear that both alexithymia and interoception play important roles in emotional processing and self-awareness.

Does alexithymia influence how a person acts?

Yes, alexithymia can influence how a person acts or behaves in various ways. Since alexithymia is characterized by difficulties in identifying, describing, and understanding one’s own emotions, it can impact how individuals express and interact with others emotionally. Here are some ways in which alexithymia may influence behavior:

Emotional expression

People with alexithymia may have difficulty expressing their emotions outwardly. They may struggle to convey their feelings through facial expressions, tone of voice, or body language. As a result, they may appear emotionally distant, unresponsive, or unexpressive to others.

Emotional regulation

Alexithymic individuals may have challenges in regulating their emotions effectively. Without a clear understanding of their emotions, they may have difficulty managing and coping with intense emotional states. This can lead to difficulties in controlling emotional reactions, such as outbursts of anger or emotional detachment.

Reduced capacity to empathize

Empathy involves the ability to understand and share the emotions of others. People with alexithymia may find it challenging to recognize and respond appropriately to the emotional cues and needs of others. This can impact their ability to form and maintain interpersonal relationships and may be perceived as a lack of empathy or emotional connection.

Behavioral coping mechanisms

Due to the difficulties in identifying and expressing emotions, individuals with alexithymia may develop alternative coping mechanisms to deal with emotional experiences. These may include avoidance strategies, intellectualizing emotions, or relying on external cues (e.g., focusing on tasks or facts) to navigate social interactions and make decisions.

Increased somatic complaints

Alexithymia has been associated with an increased tendency to express emotional distress through physical symptoms or somatic complaints. Rather than recognizing and acknowledging emotional discomfort, individuals with alexithymia may manifest it as bodily sensations, such as headaches, stomachaches, or other unexplained physical ailments.

It’s important to note that the impact of alexithymia on behavior can vary among individuals and may be influenced by other factors, such as the presence of comorbid conditions or individual coping strategies. Understanding and addressing alexithymia can be beneficial in promoting emotional well-being and improving social functioning.

teen girl struggling to understand her emotions

How can alexithymia impact relationships?

Alexithymia can impact relationships in various ways due to the difficulties individuals with alexithymia face in recognizing, understanding, and expressing emotions. However, it is possible for people with alexithymia to have healthy and fulfilling relationships. While it may require some additional effort and understanding, here are some strategies that can help:

Open communication

Clear and open communication is crucial in any relationship, especially when one partner has alexithymia. It is important for both partners to openly discuss their feelings, needs, and expectations. Finding alternative ways to express emotions, such as through writing, can also be helpful.

Emotional support and understanding

The non-alexithymic partner can provide emotional support by trying to understand and validate the emotions and experiences of their partner with alexithymia. Patience, empathy, and active listening can foster a sense of understanding and emotional connection.

Developing emotional awareness

Individuals with alexithymia can work on developing their emotional awareness through self-reflection, therapy, or other interventions. Learning to recognize bodily sensations, identifying triggers, and using cognitive strategies to understand and label emotions can be beneficial.

Seek professional help

Couples therapy or individual therapy can be valuable in navigating the challenges associated with alexithymia. A therapist can provide guidance, teach emotional skills, and help both partners understand each other better.

Focus on shared activities

Engaging in shared activities and hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment can strengthen the bond between partners, even if the emotional expression is limited. Engaging in activities that create positive experiences and promote a sense of connection can be valuable.

Patience and acceptance

It is important for both partners to have patience and acceptance for each other’s emotional experiences. Recognizing that alexithymia is a trait and not a personal failing can foster understanding and compassion in the relationship.

While alexithymia may present challenges, with understanding, effort, and support, individuals with alexithymia can develop and maintain healthy relationships. It is essential for both partners to work together to foster emotional connection, communication, and mutual support.

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How is alexithymia treated?

The treatment of alexithymia typically involves a combination of therapeutic approaches aimed at enhancing emotional awareness, improving emotional regulation skills, and promoting better interpersonal relationships. Here are some common treatment approaches for alexithymia:


Psychotherapy, particularly approaches that focus on emotions and interpersonal dynamics, can be beneficial for individuals with alexithymia. Therapies such as psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and emotion-focused therapy (EFT) can help individuals explore and understand their emotions, develop emotional vocabulary, and improve emotional expression.

Mindfulness-based interventions

Mindfulness practices can help individuals with alexithymia develop greater self-awareness, including awareness of bodily sensations and emotions. Mindfulness-based therapies, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) or mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), can support individuals in becoming more present, non-judgmental, and attuned to their internal experiences.

Emotion-focused interventions

Specific interventions designed to target emotional awareness and expression can be employed. These may include exercises aimed at identifying and labeling emotions, practicing emotion recognition in oneself and others, and exploring the underlying meanings and functions of emotions.

Support groups

Participating in facilitated groups or group therapy sessions with individuals who have similar experiences can provide validation, support, and a sense of belonging. Sharing experiences, emotions, and coping strategies with others can be helpful in managing alexithymia.

Development of emotional skills

Learning and practicing specific emotional skills can be beneficial for individuals with alexithymia. This may involve education on emotional awareness, identification of bodily sensations related to emotions, and the use of techniques to regulate and express emotions effectively.

Couples or family therapy

In the context of interpersonal relationships, couples or family therapy can help improve communication and emotional connection. Partners or family members can gain a better understanding of the challenges associated with alexithymia and learn strategies to support emotional expression and connection within the relationship.

It is important to note that the treatment of alexithymia can be complex and tailored to individual needs. Therapeutic approaches may vary depending on the underlying causes, co-occurring conditions, and personal preferences. Seeking professional help from a mental health provider experienced in working with alexithymia is recommended to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Treating alexithymia with Charlie Health

If you think a young adult in your life has alexithymia and/or struggles with any other mental health conditions, Charlie Health may be able to help. 

We know that every individual has their own unique mental health journey depending on what symptoms they have and the difficulties they face. Our personalized intensive outpatient program provides mental health treatment for teens, young adults, and families dealing with a variety of struggles, including histrionic personality disorder and any other co-occurring conditions. 

At Charlie Health, every client is matched with a therapist who fits their specific needs, and will also be matched with a group of peers who are from similar backgrounds with similar struggles. 

Coping with alexithymia can be challenging, but it certainly is possible for people with alexithymia to experience a healthier, higher quality of life and improved mental health –– help is here now.

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