Teen & Young Adult Substance Use Disorder Resources

Substance use disorder is a curable condition that can impact brain development and lead to chronic health issues if left untreated in teens and young adults.

Teen & young adult substance use disorder

The most commonly abused substances among teens and young adults are alcohol, opioids, stimulants, and cannabis. While substance abuse is damaging enough, half of those who struggle with this issue also suffer from co-occurring mental disorders, such as major depressive disorder, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorders, PTSD, and ADHD.

On top of that, suicide rates are also higher among those with substance abuse issues, particularly females. Signs that there is an issue include changing friend groups, skipping school, losing interest in normal activities, and engaging in secretive behavior.

Teen & young adult substance use support

Find out more about the signs and symptoms of substance use disorder.

Teen & young adult substance use treatment

Substance use disorder is a serious condition and may require a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and medication. Group therapy is also recommended to provide a network of support.

Charlie Health’s virtual IOP provides a high level of care. In addition to individual and group therapy, we also encourage family therapy to create open lines of communication at home. Every individual receives a unique treatment plan to adequately address their substance use disorder and any other mental health concerns.

teen with substance abuse issues talking to therapist on couch

Getting help with teen & young adult substance use disorder

Find out how much of an impact substance use disorder has on your everyday life, and how to spot symptoms in others.

Teen & young adult substance use research

Get the latest news and research with analysis from Charlie Health.