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Relationships Resources for Teens & Young Adults

Relationships can be difficult to navigate when mental health concerns are involved, but Charlie Health offers many resources to help.

Teen & young adult relationships

Relationships can be difficult to navigate when also handling mental health issues. On top of that, unhealthy relationships can create or exacerbate conditions, making it difficult for teens and young adults to cope or find a safe space.

It’s important to identify when relationships are suffering because of internal issues, or when one becomes unhealthy or even abusive.

Teen & young adult relationship support

Learn more about relationships, from identifying red flags to learning how to be a supportive partner.

A young woman needs a guide for how to detach from someone.

A Guide for How to Detach From Someone

Charlie Health Editorial Team

A couple, one is on the back of another, who are in love, not limerence.

Are You in Love or Is It Limerence?

Charlie Health Editorial Team

A young couple doesn't know if they are in love or if it is a trauma bond.

Are You in Love or Is It a Trauma Bond?

Charlie Health Editorial Team

Friends embracing

Attachment Style Quiz

Charlie Health Editorial Team

Two young people smile while looking at a phone as they watch TikTok videos of beige flags.

What Is A Beige Flag?

Charlie Health Editorial Team

A person dealing with reactive abuse in her relationship crosses her arms as she looks at her partner.

What Is Reactive Abuse?

Alex Bachert, MPH

Woman masking her feelings

What is Masking?

Charlie Health Editorial Team

Couple taking a photo together

Consent 101

Sarah Fielding

Teens on a first date

Dating After Sexual Assault

Alex Bachert, MPH

A young woman in an unhealthy relationship is love bombed by her boyfriend.

What is Love Bombing?

Dr. Rasna Kaur Neelam

A young man stares off into the distance thinking about his fear of commitment

Why Do People Have a Phobia of Commitment?

Charlie Health Editorial Team

A father stands with his arm wrapped around his teenage daughter

What Are the Four Attachment Styles?

Dr. Rasna Kaur Neelam

Teen & young adult relationship treatment

Developing and maintaining healthy relationships is one of the biggest outcomes we work towards in our client’s mental health treatment plans. Many therapies can help improve self-awareness and contribute to healthier relationships.

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps teens and young adults better understand their thoughts and feelings. They can begin to recognize patterns within themselves and become more comfortable with who they are. Increased confidence is a natural result of CBT and serves as a foundation for better relationships in the future.

Couple in the middle of a fight look away from each other

Getting help with relationships

In addition to individual therapy, Charlie Health clients also participate in family therapy and supportive group therapy sessions to build their relationship skills.

Research about teen & young adult relationships

Find out more about how mental health impacts all kinds of relationships.